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Tag Archive 'Design Thinking'

I know this isn’t a good time to talk nice things about Apple, but I like this short catchy presentation that captures some of the key things about designing good products and services. Firstly I like the visualisation of the points. Its maybe a bit too fast-paced to catch everything that is said, but its […]

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Monika Hestad over at Plan (link) sent me a link to Kevin McCullaghs thoughtful comments (link) to the design thinking session organised by the Economist (link). This was remarkable for several reasons. Firstly, that the Economist has organised something big around design thinking (for a detailed view on Design Thinking, look here).  Secondly, Kevin has […]

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Recently, there has been a flurry of activity around some new terms, Design thinking and Design leadership. I think they are interesting terms, and describe some new directions for design. Design thinking, suggests to me, that designers have a different way of thinking – visual, abductive etc, which means that they have relevance outside of […]

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Those clever people down at the British Design Council seem to have been reading my mind. I have been discussing with Berte Helgestad from Norsk Tipping (link) about scenarios and forecasting and the role of design in this. I think Design has a lot to offer to both, in terms of Design Thinking, but also […]

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By Judith Gloppen I was really pleased to notice that an article about Design Thinking had finally found its way into the Harvard Business Review this summer. In the June 2008 issue IDEO’s CEO Tim Brown writes about how design and Design Thinking can be part of the innovation process.  I like Tim Browns definition […]

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Judith has had her paper accepted for the Design Management conference in Paris in April. Her paper will focus upon design leadership and some of the terms that it has evolved from (design thinking, design management, strategic design etc).  More information about the conference (here). Judiths abstract is available by mail from her.Simon has submitted […]

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We have submitted an abstract for the Design Management Institute  academic conference this spring in Paris. There is strong competition to present papers, and we are hopeful that we will be accepted. The suggested paper we wish to present will critically review terms that are used to describe the role of design in strategic decision […]

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