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Tag Archive 'Visualisation'

Thanks to Alfred Holmen (link) for this link to a great infographic over at cool infographics (link).  It brings home the size of the service sector in the US. I scrolled down the services section and thought wow! but then realized that the total service sector also includes the public service part too. It would […]

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I have always considered the health information on packaging as being quite abstract. Reading about the calorific content of my morning musli, and the amount of energy in carbohydrate form doesn’t really tell me that much. I have become better at understanding the data, and use it every now and again when choosing different products, […]

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I have written a bit earlier about using comics to communicate service design concepts (link), using the launch of Google chrome as an example. I recently came across this really great post: What’s Your Comic About?Communicating Complex Ideas With Comics. This not only describes the importance of using comics as a means of communication, but also […]

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Thanks to Adrian at AHO for this great pinterest link to lots of journey mapping examples (link).      

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I came across this really nice explanation of infographics over on Core 77 recently and wanted to share it. In Service Design, the importance of visualization cannot be underestimated, and this short animation gets the point across really well. The Value of Data Visualization from Column Five on Vimeo. It also is a great example […]

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At this years annual innovation conference run by the Norwegian research council, the AT-ONE project was invited to run a two hour workshop to give an introduction to service design and the AT-ONE method. We had 17 participants from a broad range of disciplines and companies and had a busy two hour session. We chose […]

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Monika Hestad over at Plan (link) sent me a link to Kevin McCullaghs thoughtful comments (link) to the design thinking session organised by the Economist (link). This was remarkable for several reasons. Firstly, that the Economist has organised something big around design thinking (for a detailed view on Design Thinking, look here).  Secondly, Kevin has […]

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Peter Morville, him of the polar bear book on Information Architecture (link), and later Ambient Findability (link) has just written and interesting and informed piece about Ubiquitous Service Design (link). I’m always amazed about how compact and well linked his posts are, and this one is no exception. He introduces  a great many terms, but […]

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Razorfish have just released their consumer experience report for 2008 and it makes interesting reading. (Link) The first thing that hits you is the focus upon the importance of social networking. I read this report just after reading a BBC news article “Bosses should embrace Facebook”, (link) in which Demos report on how companies are […]

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