As part of the ongoing court appeal from Samsung, the Supreme Court of the USA has released supporting documentation (link), much of it about the value  of design. It is worth reading for a couple of reasons. Firstly because the list of contributors is a whose who of design names including Dieter Rams, Lord Foster, […]
Tag Archive 'Design leadership'
Its a long time since we added to this blog, but the list of things to write about is just piling up on our desks. This one has been hanging around for quite a while. The people over at Smashing magazine have been doing some really good stuff recently, writing about personality, tone of voice […]
This is the second of two posts about the experience-centric organisation. In the previous post I introduced it, and in this one I will explain a little about what it means to become experience-centric. To design for experiences requires several things. More and more, I see that if you want to have experiences as your […]
This is the first of two posts that discuss the experience economy under the terms experience-centric organisation. In the second one, I will write a bit about what the experience centric organisation means, but in this one, I want to introduce the term and where it came from (at least, in my mind). During the […]
Todays announcement of a strategic alliance between Nokia and Microsoft has prompted me to write something here, that I started thinking about a year (or so) ago, or even several years ago. Its about whether Nokia ever really understood design and the customer experience. Many, many years ago, in 1998, Nokia launched the 8810. It […]
Recently, there has been a flurry of activity around some new terms, Design thinking and Design leadership. I think they are interesting terms, and describe some new directions for design. Design thinking, suggests to me, that designers have a different way of thinking – visual, abductive etc, which means that they have relevance outside of […]
Article about AT-ONE
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Judith was recently interviewed by the research council for their magazine “verdiskaping”, which is the Norwegian way of saying value-creation.  The article (in Norwegian) describes her earlier work with the airport express train service, which is now ranked #1 in Norway in terms of customer satisfaction. It then describes Service Design, AT-ONE and a […]
Judith has had her paper accepted for the Design Management conference in Paris in April. Her paper will focus upon design leadership and some of the terms that it has evolved from (design thinking, design management, strategic design etc). More information about the conference (here). Judiths abstract is available by mail from her.Simon has submitted […]
We have submitted an abstract for the Design Management Institute  academic conference this spring in Paris. There is strong competition to present papers, and we are hopeful that we will be accepted. The suggested paper we wish to present will critically review terms that are used to describe the role of design in strategic decision […]
A recent crop of news items about Virgin Galactic have caught my eye. Firstly, the logo for Virgin Galactic is designed by Phillippe Starck. Link Secondly, the interior for the Virgin Galactic ship is designed by SeymourPowell. Link Thirdly, the Virgin Galactic Spaceport is to be designed by Foster and Partners. Link It is clear […]