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Tag Archive 'Service Design'

Tor Andreassen from the Centre for Service Innovation (link) recently sent me a link to the New York Times article, reporting some work from England about how self-service checkouts encourage or even result in stealing. This is work from the UK, that has also been reported during the summer in the British press, which I find […]

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I just read this piece on CNET (link) about how Apple is well placed in a tech world that is becoming more fashion oriented. Personally, I think that the word fashion is used a little too often to explain our experiential hunger for products and services. It seems like the word fashion is a safe […]

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Think like a patient, act like a tax-payer: This was one of the more interesting take-aways from Simon Stevens’ recent speech about the new focus of the National Health Service in the UK. Although the sentence might be seen as a bit of cheap spin, I think that if most health services asked themselves if they […]

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Thanks to Alfred Holmen (link) for this link to a great infographic over at cool infographics (link).  It brings home the size of the service sector in the US. I scrolled down the services section and thought wow! but then realized that the total service sector also includes the public service part too. It would […]

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Its a long time since we added to this blog, but the list of things to write about is just piling up on our desks. This one has been hanging around for quite a while. The people over at Smashing magazine have been doing some really good stuff recently, writing about personality, tone of voice […]

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I know this isn’t a good time to talk nice things about Apple, but I like this short catchy presentation that captures some of the key things about designing good products and services. Firstly I like the visualisation of the points. Its maybe a bit too fast-paced to catch everything that is said, but its […]

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Those clever bods down at the SAID business school have been following closely how Service Design consultancies do their work as part of a project funded by several British research councils (link). A kind of Service Design safari. And they have done a great job. Not only do they have loads of photographic evidence, they […]

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By Judith Gloppen I was really pleased to notice that an article about Design Thinking had finally found its way into the Harvard Business Review this summer. In the June 2008 issue IDEO’s CEO Tim Brown writes about how design and Design Thinking can be part of the innovation process.  I like Tim Browns definition […]

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