AT-ONE book
Written by Simon Clatworthy
The AT-ONE book, with the stunningly simple title “How To Design Better Services” is now available. It is a big book that makes an impact due to its size, format and weight (and hopefully its content). It contains all you need to know to be able to innovate in service, including a guide to planning and running the process, details about each specific letter and then, how to develop strong concepts based upon this. It is being printed in a limited edition of 200 handmade boxed sets, and they are disappearing fast. The boxed set contains a poster of the AT-ONE process, and individual books for each letter: Actors, Touch-points, Offering, Need and Experience. In addition there is an introduction and evidencing chapter, plus you get a pack of touch-point cards, and a (free) pack of post-it notes. Here are some images of it:
The book weighs 2.3 kg, and has the following dimensions: 42 cm x 27.5 x 3,5.
The book has now sold out, and due to the enormous postage costs, and production costs, we will not be producing any more of them. However, it is available as an ebook on the kindle platform (here). This can be read on a pc, mac, and on most phones and tablets.
To go with the book launch, we are going to put quite a few files into the download section. These are some of the tools that are mentioned in the book, and the popular Touch-point cards. These will be made available under a creative commons license. Have a look at the ‘downloads’ tab to see what is there.
The book will also be available in the future as an ebook, but the release date for this is unknown.
About  AT-ONE
Today more than 70% of total value added in the OECD countries comes from services.Market-based services (that is, excluding those typically provided by the public sector, such as education, health care, and government) have become the main driver of productivity and economic growth, especially as use of IT services has grown. In Norway, eight out of 10 new jobs are created within service industries and all net employment growth comes from services. Three out of four employees work today in service provision.
The term service-design is emerging as a response to industries’ needs to improve service innovation and provision.Design has recently become a hot service topic because of its documented innovation effect within the field of product design.Traditional design skills, such as customer-insight, cultural understanding, creativity and the ability to create products that are attractive and desirable are now being used in the design of services.Service-design uses these skills, but transforms them and directs them towards service innovation and provision.
The AT-ONE project has further developed the area of service-design together with Norwegian research- and teaching organizations and industry.It has developed methods, knowledge, service innovations and created a centre of competence in service innovation to serve Norwegian industry.
The AT-ONE method
Experience shows that many organizations approach service innovation from a product-innovation point of view, and use methods, processes and terms from product development. AT-ONE focuses upon the elements that are different between products and services, to focus innovation upon service development.
AT-ONE is a practitioner-based method for service-design, aimed to maximize the innovation potential at the early stages of service innovation. It was developed from research into innovation methods and from commercial experience in designing services. The method is scalable and works for short projects and major transformations.Â
The partners
The AT-ONE Â project combined academic and commercial resources to iteratively refine and develop the AT-ONE method. On the research and education side, AHO, BI, KHiO, University of Aalborg (D), LIVEWORK (UK) and SINTEF Â worked together to develop the method. The Norwegian Design Council and the industrial partners Telenor, Norsk Tipping and Gjensidige used the method in respect to their innovation processes.
The AT-ONE project was jointly funded by the industry partners and the Norwegian Research Council (NFR).
An overview of the AT-ONE process.Â
Hi there,
Do you know if it’s possible to download or order the cards from the AT-ONE project referenced here?
You can either send me an email with your post address and receive a packet, or wait a couple of weeks. I am just about to put the file on line, when the book launches.