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Tag Archive 'Emotion'

We continue to update the touch-point card set, and a new set is now available (Cards-PRINT). This is a major update of the cards in two ways. Firstly, we have added emotion cards to the touch-points. This helps you when evaluating existing services or designing new ones, since you can take into account the emotional […]

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Tor Andreassen from the Centre for Service Innovation (link) recently sent me a link to the New York Times article, reporting some work from England about how self-service checkouts encourage or even result in stealing. This is work from the UK, that has also been reported during the summer in the British press, which I find […]

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A bit late  posting this, but I thought I would share this anyway, because its a nice touch to the patient experience. According to ABC news (link), babies born at Magee-Women’s Hospital at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center get special stockings if they’re in the hospital on Christmas Day. A nice touch, and I’m sure, […]

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Ryanair recently announced a 32% jump in profits and their quiet CEO puts this down to a changed image and that they have stopped ’unnecessarily pissing people off’, according to boss O’Leary. The Guardian newspaper (link) describes this nicely, including presenting a few great quotes from the master himself, Michael O’Leary. “The underlying trend is enormously positive. […]

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I have always been a bit sceptical to the idea of demographic segments, although I guess broadly there are age cohorts that have similar needs. However, I think if you rather look at groups with similar needs, without specifically focusing upon age, then you are more likely to develop the right services and experiences. I therefore […]

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Its a long time since we added to this blog, but the list of things to write about is just piling up on our desks. This one has been hanging around for quite a while. The people over at Smashing magazine have been doing some really good stuff recently, writing about personality, tone of voice […]

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This post links three recent things I have been reading. The first is to mention the Experience Based Design (EBD) approach developed by the National Health Service in the UK (link). I have been meaning to write about this for a while, because it seems to be gaining traction in other countries also. I particularly […]

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As it is the season to give, and most notably the season to give things, I was surprised to see the number and range of experiences as gifts available on the market this year. I have seen them before as up-and-coming gifts, but this year there seem to be more of them, and greater interest. […]

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Ted Mathews, a designer colleague, has spent the past few years convincing me of the importance of rituals and sacred object in our lives. Classic examples from the Catholic mass, or the stepwise transition within the freemasons, show how well honed both rituals and sacred have become over the years. However, he has got me […]

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I have been meaning to blog about this for a while – the old spice adverts (link) and their effect. Almost everyone has seen and talked about the Old Spice adverts on YouTube (if you were holidaying this summer – look here), and the clever way that he created YouTube answers to questions received via […]

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