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Tag Archive 'User'

For those of you interested in comparisons of methods to gain user insights, Brianna Sylver has compiled a nice comparison over at Core 77. It can be found here. Most of it is known stuff, but I like the way she relates the different methods to the different phases of the design process. However, its obvious […]

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The web is a perfect way to get customers to provide feedback and suggestions for improvements. We have mentioned before that customers are bursting with comments, criticisms and ideas, and just waiting for an opportunity to share them. Creating a dialogue between a service provider and customers in this way is a sure way to […]

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At the recent business days for the Norwegian Design Council (link), Tim Ogilvie from Peer Insight (link) described how design is moving up the value chain in the services era (link to presentation). The presentation started off by commenting that we dont really need more things, but that we are looking for experiences and novelty […]

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Jonathan Reynolds from SAID Oxford held a very interesting presentation at BI last week. His theme was Service-Innovation and he took a broad look at the field. He showed that Norway is not in the top league of service innovations, but is not trailing by much either and gave some interesting updates on facts: 1. […]

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