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Tag Archive 'Brand'

As part of the ongoing court appeal from Samsung, the Supreme Court of the USA has released supporting documentation (link), much of it about the value  of design. It is worth reading for a couple of reasons. Firstly because the list of contributors is a whose who of design names including Dieter Rams, Lord Foster, […]

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I am super enthusiastic about two recent interactive touch-points, that I think show the power of giving control to the customer. The first of these is the Honda R advertising campaign (link), in which the Honda Civic is presented in two ways at the same time. One, as a supportive family car, and the other […]

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I have always been a bit sceptical to the idea of demographic segments, although I guess broadly there are age cohorts that have similar needs. However, I think if you rather look at groups with similar needs, without specifically focusing upon age, then you are more likely to develop the right services and experiences. I therefore […]

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I read this interesting blog post (link) on Brand Republic today and it reminded me of a couple of books that I read a long time back. Its always good to be reminded of some good classics. The first was “Good to Great”, (link) which summarised the importance of the infusion of a reason for […]

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I recently mentioned the great work being presented over at Smashing magazine regarding Service Personality. To add to this, is this really good piece about tone of voice. This obviously fits together with the personality, and in many ways is part of the embodiment of the personality in different touch-points. Here, an example from Innocent […]

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I have been researching Service Personality for several years, so its great to see Smashing magazine presenting great examples of digital touch-point personalities (link). Heres an example from a small comment that comes up when typing in a location. Ahh Prague says so much more than just Prague.   There are loads of good examples […]

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I found this on the BBC recently and thought it worth a mention. Chiltern Railways in the UK has hired two comedy writers to help assist them with announcements on the train (link). Instead of a surly or purely informative announcement, they are injecting some humour into the messages. As an example, they have added […]

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I just came over this graph from the splatf blog (link) showing how consumer electronics stands for a huge amount of sales at Sony, but generally, little or no profit. In fact is regularly goes into the red. However, services, although not generating as much income as consumer, are more regularly in the black. Sony […]

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This is the second of two posts about the experience-centric organisation. In the previous post I introduced it, and in this one I will explain a little about what it means to become experience-centric. To design for experiences requires several things. More and more, I see that if you want to have experiences as your […]

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Todays announcement of a strategic alliance between Nokia and Microsoft has prompted me to write something here, that I started thinking about a year (or so) ago, or even several years ago. Its about whether Nokia ever really understood design and the customer experience. Many, many years ago, in 1998, Nokia launched the 8810. It […]

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