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Tag Archive 'Personality'

Ryanair recently announced a 32% jump in profits and their quiet CEO puts this down to a changed image and that they have stopped ’unnecessarily pissing people off’, according to boss O’Leary. The Guardian newspaper (link) describes this nicely, including presenting a few great quotes from the master himself, Michael O’Leary. “The underlying trend is enormously positive. […]

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I read this interesting blog post (link) on Brand Republic today and it reminded me of a couple of books that I read a long time back. Its always good to be reminded of some good classics. The first was “Good to Great”, (link) which summarised the importance of the infusion of a reason for […]

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This post links three recent things I have been reading. The first is to mention the Experience Based Design (EBD) approach developed by the National Health Service in the UK (link). I have been meaning to write about this for a while, because it seems to be gaining traction in other countries also. I particularly […]

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I have been researching Service Personality for several years, so its great to see Smashing magazine presenting great examples of digital touch-point personalities (link). Heres an example from a small comment that comes up when typing in a location. Ahh Prague says so much more than just Prague.   There are loads of good examples […]

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We have just started a series of workshops together with actress Birgit Nordby to explore different ways to specify a service experience and define a brand personality. The background for this work is that service experiences are difficult to describe and specify.There are several reasons for this: we don’t have a terminology to describe experiences […]

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A recent post on Daily fix brought up the issue of brand personality recently. They focussed upon the e-mail confirmation a reader received from CD baby for some CDs that were ordered (link). There then ensued an interesting discussion about the way companies formulate texts to customers. Heres the original text from the letter: Your […]

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