Experiential house advert
Written by Simon Clatworthy
Ted from AHO sent me this today (link). It’s an advert for a house that is for sale in Oslo, and yes, its very pricey. It’s in Norwegian, unfortunately, but the images speak for themselves. However, what I really like about it is the imagery they use. They have staged and created a story about the house and the different flats (its five flats) to help spark your imagination. Each has been quite cheaply styled, but its the overall concept and each micro-story. From the exotic main flat, to the scientists lair to the old persons basement, they have crafted a fictitious atmosphere and experience for the building.
Have a look at some of these images:-
This, creates together a really positive impression about the flat and some history (however fictitious). Everyone I have shown it to thinks its a cool building, and would like to live there. I doubt if an average sales presentation would give that same instinctive desirability. If you look closely, the first image, with the party in the garden, introduces all of the characters that appear in the following images. Clever.